There are three rules in the realms of computer games and they are as follows. Firstly, strategy games are always better on a PC than a console. Secondly, System Shock 2 is better than Ocarina Of Time no matter what Famitsu says. Lastly, Joe Kucan (who plays Kane in the C&C games) can do no wrong.
Seriously, the guy is amazing – even more amazinger than Chuck Norris, and that’s saying something.
In fact, Joe Kucan is so beloved and adored by gamers that he managed to even hold Command and Conquer 3 together - not that Tiberium Wars was bad per se though, the game was still well-balanced and enjoyable – it’s just that it had somehow lost some of the charm of the highly regarded series. There wasn’t as much of the piss and vinegar personality that had made the earlier games so enjoyable.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Command and Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath Review (Bit Tech)
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Saturday, 29 March 2008
Kane's Wrath Unlock All Missions
Save game file for Kane's Wrath: All missions unlocked!
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Friday, 28 March 2008
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath 2+ trainer.
This is a 4+ trainer for cc3:kw.
Shift+F2 Freeze money
Shift+F3 Freeze energy
Shift+F4 Freeze Global Conquest money
Shift+F5 Freeze Strike Force points
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Thursday, 27 March 2008
Gamespy Review Kane's Wrath!
Command & Conquer 3, the return of EA's seminal Command & Conquer franchise, brought back the kind of brute-force action-oriented "meat and potatoes" RTS that the genre's brainier grandchildren like Company of Heroes almost put out of business. The result was an enjoyable, hyper-fast RTS geared toward those who enjoy creating huge armies of toy soldiers and watching them blow each other up -- a lot. As the inevitable expansion pack for C&C3, Kane's Wrath clearly isn't looking to mess up the nice little niche the series has carved for itself amongst strategy gamers. The result is a by-the-numbers addition to the Command & Conquer universe that offers some enjoyable new content to the faithful (along with a few missteps) but is ultimately an eminently forgettable addition to the game.
The expansion pack's best addition for single-player fans is easily Global Conquest mode. This is a turn-based RISK-style capture-the-world meta-game that, while not particularly original in concept, stands out as an excellent example of the breed. Players can select one of the game's three sides and, based on the numbers of cities controlled, slowly spread their influence over the world. Global Conquest requires a surprising amount of strategic acumen from the player as limited resources require them to create a variety of "strike forces" which must then battle for control in real-time skirmishes. Each side also has alternate victory conditions (the Scrin, for example, must successfully build nine "Threshold Towers") that frequently throw spanners into well-laid plans and are a lot more fun than the original vanilla Skirmish matches.
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IGN reviews Kane's Wrath!
The single-player campaign feels disjointed, mainly because it jumps all over the Command & Conquer timeline to fill in the gaps. Things start off just at the end of the Second Tiberium War, and every few missions the campaign leaps forward a decade or two. As such, you don't get much of a cohesive story. Instead, you get glimpses of the back story. While prior knowledge of the previous games isn't necessary, it would certainly be helpful in understanding what's going on.
Meanwhile, there's the standard selection of RTS mission styles in the campaign. Most of them have you begin with a construction unit, which you use to construct a base. That includes a refinery or two to start harvesting tiberium, some power generators, and a variety of infantry or vehicle factories, along with support buildings that unlock special powers and abilities. The formula in these is usually build up your forces till you're strong enough to go on offense, and then attack and repeat until you've worn down the enemy. Then there are a handful of non-building missions, where you control a small group of units and must navigate around the level without losing too many of them. Here the trick is to save early and often until you get through the level.
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Thursday, 6 March 2008
Kane's Wrath - Kane Lives Trailer!
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Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Unit Spotlight: Nod Specter
With three weeks and change until the March 26 release date for Kane's Wrath, Apoc and the rest of the wrathful crew up at EALA are promising a new unit spotlight every week. Up today for your consideration is the stealth artillery unit Nod Specter, the long-range cannon unit for rich sneaky bastards.
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