Saturday, 13 October 2007

Kane's Wrath Preview At

Since the Command & Conquer series is so popular in Germany, EA used the Leipzig Games Convention to debut Kane's Wrath, the expansion pack to Command & Conquer 3. And it did so in a big way: Not only did EA offer a live demonstration of some of the game's new features and unit additions, Kane himself (Joe Kucan) made an appearance -- much to the delight of showgoers in Germany, where he's actually somewhat of a celebrity.

As the expansion pack's title suggests, the game focuses primarily on the Brotherhood of Nod, of which Kane is the megalomaniacal leader, from its rebirth after the Second Tiberium War through the Third Tiberium War and then beyond. According to EA, the game's exploring of the past actually came as a result of requests from the fans.

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