Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Kane's Wrath Preview At Game Spy.

When Khan came back he ended up obliterating himself in the U.S.S. Reliant. Unfortunately for GDI -- but fortunately for us because we get more games -- Kane is proving a bit more resilient. The bald-headed leader of NOD is back once again in Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. We were treated to a demo showcasing many of the new units that will be available to armchair commanders in this upcoming expansion pack and everything we've seen has got us roaring to continue the war over Tiberium.

New Toys for Everyone

Expansion packs are generally about new maps and new units to play with and Kane's Wrath should have plenty. Every new unit we've seen has plenty of potential to turn the gameplay of C&C 3 on its head, but without sacrificing balance.

One area that we were happy to see addressed was GDI's lack of an air unit that could stay in combat for a long time and not have to return to base to be refueled. The solution is the GDI Hammerhead, a heavy helicopter gunship that are armed with machineguns that have unlimited ammo. These guys are great for ground support and can stay in an area and hose down infantry from above; however, they have no anti-aircraft capabilities so are vulnerable to other air units.

Read the full article over at Game Spy!

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